Mitic and MIC launch tool for transparency and agility for public management

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Ministry of Technologies of Information and Communication (Mitic) launched with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) the infrastructure of public keys for Public Administration or electronic signatures for public officials to guarantee the agility, transparency, and traceability of procedures within public institutions.

«This is part of the promotion we have with the electronic government, that implies transparency, traceability, debureaucratization, and agility in everything we do,» explained the Minister of Mitic, Gustavo Villate.

The Minister pointed out that the trust service law is fundamental for implementing these tools because it legally levels the value of the electronic signature with the physical signature for all legal and administrative acts.

«The signature makes any act or service legally valid, and that gives a guarantee to the public official, at the same time that it makes everything transparent and agile, thanks to this tool,» highlighted the Minister.

He added that when used in electronic files, it makes paper unnecessary, contributing to the traceability of all State files.

He indicated that this launch results from the work team and constitutes «one more service of what we will launch in these first 100 days of Government».

The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, thanked the Minister of Mitic for participating in the institutions implementing this new system.

«From now, all the procedures will be signed through the electronic signature, and with that, we are going to be able to take advantage of many advantages that have to do with savings and the economy of the State,» he expressed.