The Executive announces extraordinary measures to organize public finances and guarantee the population’s well-being

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Executive Branch will send to the National Congress a bill «By which extraordinary management measures for public finances are established» to fulfil the payment of debts with construction and pharmaceutical companies. «This measure responds to the firm commitment to carry out an orderly and responsible government,» said President Santiago Peña.

«To arrange the public finances and reactivate crucial sectors for our economy and to aim for the well-being of the Paraguayans, I have sent the bill «By which extraordinary management measures are established for public finances» to the Congress», announced the President this Tuesday through his social networks.

The President emphasized that his administration prioritizes the well-being of people and arranging the public finances. «That is why, because we inherited so much debt from the previous administration, mainly from the sectors of construction and health, I am sending this bill to Congress for the accomplishment of said commitments», he stated.

With this, the Executive Branch aims to provide a solution to the sectors most affected by the non-compliance of the previous administration, generating many jobless people in vulnerable sectors and the shortage of medicine for the most in need.

«This measure responds to the firm commitment to carrying forward an organized and responsible. With solutions designed to provide well-being for all the Paraguayans, so we can soon have the country we desire», said the President.
