Minister claims that work is the way to leave poverty

Asunción, Agencia IP.- During his intervention in The Human Capital Ministerial Conclave named “More employments through the investment on human capital,” the Minister of Economy and Finances, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, affirmed that work is the way to leave poverty due to its high impact in the generation of well-being and development of a nation.

As the Governor representing Paraguay, the Minister participated in this Conclave organized by the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (FMI) in Marrakech, Morocco, in the Annual Meetings 2023 of both unilateral organisms.

During another moment of his presentation, Minister Fernández Valdovinos manifested that Paraguay’s Government has as one of its main objectives to impulse the generation of thousands of work sources. He mentioned that this issue aims to be a clear state policy, which will seek to increase generations of employment and the technical qualification and professional of the human capital.

He highlighted that access to dignified work is a fundamental condition for a person’s growth and the well-being of their family and the key for our country to elevate towards levels of inclusive development and sustainable growth.

Likewise, Fernández Valdovinos pled that the state can offer dignified job conditions for women, with fair remuneration.

Minister Carlos Fernández Valdovinos led the national delegation participating in the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, a forum of international relevance that brings together ministers of Economy and Finance from five continents.

The Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund extended until October 15th. During the different events, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finances, participants analyzed the new manual to respond to the world’s interconnected challenges: What solutions had worked on the common ground of developing countries? How do we impulse employment, digital infrastructure, and climate action?
