The Executive Branch is working on updating the energy policy

Asunción, Agencia IP.- With the presence of national authorities on past Monday, the instalment of the energy work table took place. It aims to attend to the energy needs of the population and all productive sectors.

For these purposes, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, convene authorities in Mburuvicha Róga. There, it was agreed to conform the instalment of a work table to actualize the Energetic Plan 2023-2050.

Paraguay has an energetic policy launched in October of 2016; therefore, the current administration will have as its first task to update said strategy but with a “citizen-focused redesign,” said the Minister of Public Works and Communications, Claudia Centurión.

All the elements were evaluated to provide a response to citizens’ needs and impulse a sustainable development through renewable energies, she commented during a press conference.

All the institutions that conform to the plan are called to participate in the actualization, and it is expected to have the first results within 20 days.

Likewise, the Vice Minister of Mines and Energy, Mauricio Bejarano, reminded that the central axis guarantees energetic security with self-supply criteria, efficiency, minimal costs, and socioenvironmental responsibility accompanying the country’s productive development.

Ensure access to quality energy for the entire population with attention to consumer rights, in addition to the intensive promotion of hydrocarbon exploration as a strategic resource to reduce external dependence and increase the generation of more excellent national added value.

Consolidate Paraguay’s position as an axis of regional energetic integration based on the sustainable use of its natural resources and strategic geographical location. Finally, to promote the comprehension of the importance of energy and its sustainable use as a factor of integral development in the population.
