Guided efforts to impulse green economy and electromobility

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Minister of Economy and Finances, Carlos Fernández, received representatives and business persons from the automotive sector, with whom he spoke about several topics related to green economy and electromobility. The encounter took place yesterday in the ministerial office.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Chamber of Automotive and Machinery Distributors (Cadam, by its acronym in Spanish), Miguel Carrizosa, expressed that the encounter was very productive since they spoke about the efforts to promote a green economy and electromobility in our country. Likewise, this would boost formalization and the creation of jobs through maquila and vehicle assembly.

«All these factors are the north that Paraguay is looking for. As a sector, we support all the necessary efforts for the country to be at the forefront of technology. The Minister manifested to us that this is also the Government’s priority, to impulse a green economy that generates employment and formalization of the economy», he said.

On the other hand, Carrizosa pointed out that the automotive sector will contribute to the country’s insertion into the value chain that exists in the region in terms of auto parts and vehicle assembly.

«This is the objective that we are pursuing: to assemble electric vehicles and be leaders in the region. We believe that Paraguay is going well in this path, and we hope that all involved join forces,» he concluded.
