Taiwanese company presents project for manufacturing electric buses in Paraguay

Asunción, Agencia IP.- Representatives from Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing Ltd of Taiwan presented the project to manufacture electric buses with an investment of US$30 million.

The details were presented to the Minister of Industry and Commerce (MIC), Javier Giménez, and the Vice Minister of Industry, Lorena Méndez.

This is the third visit of representatives from the Taiwanese company to Paraguay. After technical analysis, the proposal to establish the investment for the electromobility industry was presented on Wednesday.

The company’s Executive Vice President, Terence Shen, commented that they saw the potential of Paraguay within the electromobility sector, both for local use and export to the Mercosur region.

The project involves an investment of around USD 30 million and the creation of between 2,000 and 2,500 jobs directly, in addition to benefiting a significant number of local suppliers, reported the MIC.