Artificial intelligence: A bridge that connects us to modernity

Asunción, Agencia IP.- Nico García is a Young Paraguayan entrepreneur, designer and co-founder of, a centre of new technologies development, currently holding an office in Utah, United States. During his interview with Tribuna, a TV program on Paraguay TV, he spoke about the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve success.

Regarding the exploitation of the AI in Paraguay, he claimed that it is one of the tools available from its launch with immediate results. With this kind of intelligence, we can solve mathematic problems, optimize resources and time in enterprises and the government, and do procedures online.

In addition, he explained that with this technology, archaic processes can be eliminated, such as having to go to a counter and the process being slow; everything can be optimized with Artificial Intelligence.

“The benefits of the AI are immense, and I am sure that in Paraguay, considering the economic and technological delay, the AI must be the number one priority of all enterprises because it is a bridge that connects us to modernity”, he stated.

Likewise, García exposed that there are many fears about the use of this new technology. Nevertheless, he affirms that “nowadays, possibly, we are looking at the technological advances that will mark a before and after in the history of humanity because the change with AI is incredible, and the opportunities are infinite”.

Previously, Nico worked for Meta, the enterprise founded by Mark Zuckerberg, by assisting the WhatsApp staff. Trady has a team of over 20 people distributed all over Latin America, in countries such as Ecuador, Dominic Republic, Argentina, Paraguay, Perú and the United States in North America. The goal is for Trady’s office to serve as a development hub for new technologies.

Trady is a platform for home maintenance professionals, such as plumbers, electricians, and home cleaners. The enterprise developed software with AI, allowing the professionals to build a website, receive payments and enable interested people to make their appointments online. The company already has more than 9,000 sites created since its launch about six months ago.
