Korea informed about cooperation projects for Paraguayan’s Government digitalization

Asunción, Agencia IP. – The final report of the projects for digital cooperation developed by the Paraguay-Korea 2023 Digital Government Cooperation Center, of which the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (Mitic) is a part, was presented today.

The presentation occurred at the Access to Public Information Centre (CAI), where the Viceminister of Technologies, Juan Ardissone, affirmed that the country is closing a collaboration with the Digital Government Center between Paraguay and Korea.

«This collaborative work has been carried on for three years, and we are giving closure with a final report where the various activities that have been undertaken are presented. Mitic comes working closely in a kind of laboratory that allows us to evaluate possibilities and accordingly see what options we can work on for the benefit of the country,» he said.

He added that they approached topics and training about blockchain and artificial intelligence within those three years. «A measurement was also conducted on the E-Government Index to have a baseline that allows us to know where we are positioned today so that further we can do a review to see how we are progressing at country level everything related to Digital Government,» he stated.

Ardissone explained that two annual projects and seminars were organized during the last three years. «We did issues related to the blockchain where today it is talked globally about how it can be used for everything, from tracking and traceability of several things like issues related to public procurement and import of products,» he added.

He informed that recently, it was concluded the project related to the artificial intelligence lab. «We as a country cannot stay away or alien to the fact that this is a reality today. He said, «This allows us to delve within these concepts and explore how this tool can help us better manage things within the state.»

He claimed that artificial intelligence-related training was also conducted within this cooperation, which helped public servers gain knowledge of IA concepts.

«While now we are not focused on artificial intelligence specialists coming out, it does matter that we approach and understand the concepts because ultimately that allows us to open our minds to think what can be done from the state using this kind of tools,» he referred.

Ardissone said Mitic is negotiating to continue moving forward with the Korean Government regarding these concepts. «Today, from Mitic, we are already planning and looking for which will be the following projects to be able to start right away.»

He announced that Mitic would continue to work through the lab that allows to do tests and research. «Many of these projects will be linked to new technology concepts, such as artificial intelligence featuring several tools that will allow us to run models within our institutions, from automation to red flag access networks, to detect certain anomalies or predict certain patterns that could happen in the future, the possibilities are high,» he acknowledged.

He added that within that work, there is a need to determine what the specific projects will be able to enter. «Right now, we are defining the lines of work, and then the specific projects will also be defined to see the collaborative work with other institutions.»
