President travels this Saturday to participate in the UN General Assembly

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, will travel to New York, United States this Saturday to participate in the general debate of the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

The President will be absent from our country for a week, from September 16 to 23, on the occasion of his participation in the “General Debate of the 78th Period of Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly”, which will take place in New York, United States.

Decree 315 made the delegation that will go with the President official. It is conformed by the First Lady of the Nation, Leticia Ocampos; the Chancellor Rubén Ramírez Lezcano; the Minister of Economics and Finance, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos; and the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Jiménez.

Also will accompany the head of state, Senator Luis Pettengill; the Head of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic, Lea Giménez; the General Coordinator of the Office of the First Lady, Alicia Pomata; and the Head of Security of the President, Oscar Armando Sostoa.
