The US Under Secretary visits Paraguay this week to deepen economic cooperation

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment at the Department of State, José W. Fernández, announced his visit to Paraguay this week, aiming to «deepen economic cooperation and strengthen strategic partnerships.»

The Under Secretary’s visit will be from November 9 to 10, when Fernández will meet with government officials «to discuss deepening trade and investment, supporting communications technology infrastructure, and addressing shared environmental concerns.»

He said he would meet with farmers and producers to discuss sustainable agriculture and new techniques to increase the food system’s resilience.

Fernández’s visit to our country is part of a tour the official is making, which also includes meetings in Chile and Uruguay.

In Chile and Uruguay, the Under Secretary Fernández will follow the Inaugural Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity Leaders’ Summit.
