Unified Martial Arts Tong Il Mo Doo: Paraguayan athletes prepare themselves for international competitions

Asunción, Agencia IP.- During a visit to our editorial office, accompanied by champion athletes, the president of the Paraguayan Unified Martial Arts Federation Tong Il Mo Doo, Carlos Teodosio Núñez, confirmed that athletes are preparing for two major international competitions, namely the World Championship in the Philippines in May and in Africa in August. It is worth noting that in 2023, Paraguay won nine medals: seven gold and two silver.

The federation president indicated that for the upcoming competitions, athlete Carlos Germán Núñez, who won three gold medals in forms and combat in 2023 and, in a previous edition, also won gold, is confirmed. Additionally, Débora Vera Recalde got a gold medal and two silver ones, and Ailin Valiente won a gold medal in forms and a silver one in female combat; Juan Andrés Fuentes and Fernando Candia, two new athletes representing our country for the first time.

A rigorous program for athletes

Coach Viviana Moreyra, also the school’s founder, explained the process of becoming part of the national team, which involves participating in competitions and forming a ranking according to the best scores.

Likewise, she mentioned that high-performance athletes undergo a rigorous process that involves discipline and commitment from the youth, which includes daily training lasting between 3 to 5 hours, meal plans, and supplementary exercises to reinforce strength and endurance, among others.

Testimonials from the champions

The participants pointed out that it is a mixed martial art that involves technique and seeks the well-being of competitors. They emphasized the comprehensive training required, as there are three modalities: standing, throws, and ground.

At his young age, Carlos Germán Núñez (24), the team captain, has already competed, representing Paraguay in countries such as Brazil, Korea, and Africa. He highlighted that he managed to maintain his performance level through a lot of effort and dedication.

On the other hand, Débora Vera Recalde (23) mentioned that she started practicing the sport at 19 and highlighted that she went through her second international competition last year and hopes to achieve better results in those held in 2024.

It is also noteworthy that both Núñez, Vera, and Valiente also dedicate themselves to teaching the discipline to other young people and children.

Photo: Agencia IP.
Importance of sports in the formation of children and youth

Federation authorities indicated that through sports, they seek to instill values ​​in children and youth who practice it, as they work with motivation and self-demand for performance improvement, which promotes mental well-being. They also explained that scholarships are awarded to young people who demonstrate promising performance in sports.

An important point mentioned by Núñez is that the discipline is spreading, as 350 athletes and 850 students are distributed in private schools and clubs.

The federation took the opportunity to invite those interested in their student’s graduation examinations to witness the classes and training of the nucleation. The event will occur today, Saturday, starting at 5:00 PM, at Club Mbiguá.

Upcoming expectations

Finally, they revealed that they are awaiting confirmation of the host designation for the 2024 Tong Il Moo Do Pan American Tournament, which carries many expectations and will attract athletes from the discipline from around the world.

Those interested in practicing this discipline can contact 0991 953 530 through the National Sports Secretariat (SND) or 0992 812 568 with the Paraguayan Tong Il Moo Do Federation.
