President asks for everyone’s commitment to promote the changes Paraguay needs

Asunción, Agencia IP.- On Wednesday, the national encounter «Ñahendu Paraguáipe» took place with social, farmers and popular organizations. On the occasion, President Santiago Peña appealed to the compromise of working together to generate the change that Paraguay needs for each of its inhabitants to improve.

It is an initiative impulsed by the Government through the Ministry of Social Development (MDS, by its acronym in Spanish) to establish the foundations for the future National Plan to Fight Against Poverty, which will be presented in November.

Regarding this, the President asked not to be one more workshop like any other, but to allow them to look forward with a critical voice to envision a change.

“The exercise of listening to the social organizations that want to have a roadmap that finds us united, working together, shoulder to shoulder in this great fight so that Paraguayans can be better,” he expressed.

In this context, Peña assured that his Government would listen to all the social organizations. “Paraguay is a beautiful country, with an unmeasurable potential to generate a fantastic production of food and therefore, to stand out.

“What makes us rich is the people, the human capital, Paraguayans that have been born in this territory, but also immigrants that have come and contributed to our country”, he stated.

In another moment of his speech, he manifested that something unacceptable in Paraguay, is the people who is hungry, considering that it is one of the leading producers of food in the world.

He indicated that determination is crucial in guaranteeing access to essential services to people and directing the country’s development. He said that a nation develops when society as a whole seeks the same objectives.

The President ratified his commitment to working for all Paraguayans to be better, with access to education, health and employment.

“Today we must look at the Paraguayan who still could not stand, who does not have the basics, the minimum, to take the path towards development and be better,” said Peña.

He mentioned that the fight against poverty is a matter of all, from central to local Government, through combined actions with social organizations. “I do not give up on the pessimism that many people have; I am convinced that change is possible, to count on a public sector that works coordinately”, he added.

Peña highlighted the issue with indigenous people and in that sense, he reminded them that improving the quality of life of indigenous communities is the duty of all in society, not only from the Paraguayan Institute of Indigenous (INDI, by its acronym in Spanish), governing body of policies aimed at this sector.

“We have to provide the tools so they can work on the land, with technologies, training and financial support. We must recognize that change is in our hands, » he emphasized.

He claimed that he would not criticize previous governments; on the contrary, he would advocate work and encourage everyone to dream about an improved Paraguay, fairer and with more opportunities.

“The key in the process of development is work team. I alone would not be able to solve all of the countries’ problems, and neither would those institutions if they do not listen to what people have to tell them”, Peña concluded.
