Foreign trade exported USD 12.851 million until September 2023

Asunción, Agencia IP.- The foreign trade report of the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP, by its acronym in Spanish) states that the total exportation until September 2023 reached a total of USD 12.851,0 million, 20.6% above the USD 10.655,2 million observed in September of last year.

The bulletin also details that the registered exportations represented 69.7% of the total, reaching USD 8.960,4 million, above 15.8% of the accumulated value as of September 2022.

On the other hand, the re-exports with 24.4% of the total reintegrated USD 3.132,2 million, with an accumulated increase of 31.8%. The other exports, with 5.9% participation, registered an accumulated growth of 39.5%, standing at a level of USD 758.5 million.

The observed increase in the registered exportations is explained mainly by the most significant shipments of soybeans, rice and soy flour. The shipments made under the maquila regime reached USD 736.7 million, 2.3% lower than what was registered in 2022.

Until September of 2023, total imports reached USD 11.460,0 million, a 0.9% increase during the same period last year.

The registered imports presented 95.9% of the total, reaching USD 10.985,5 million, 0.6% higher regarding the accumulated value to September of 2022, while other imports represented the 4.1% remaining, for a matter of USD 474,5 million. In volumes, a decrease of 3.5% was observed.

Finally, the commercial balance in the ninth month of 2023 registered a surplus of USD 1.391,1 million.